SEO Information Architecture Services

Help your audience (and Google) find exactly what they’re looking for with logical, data-driven information architecture.

What is information architecture?

Essentially, information architecture is the organization of the pages on your site.

There are a lot of pieces that go into creating a structured hierarchy of webpages to make information easily accessible to users (and search engines).

Every existing page on your site must be correctly labeled and sorted into smaller sections to ensure you are creating the most logical flow of information.

Information architecture may be simple for small sites with few pages, but it can be more challenging for larger sites with thousands of pages.

Why does information architecture matter?

Well-structured information architecture provides many SEO benefits to your site.

It not only helps search engines crawl and index your site more efficiently; it helps them better understand what your site is about. The better your website is understood by search engines, the more chance you have of ranking well for your keywords and bringing in more organic traffic.

And let’s not forget about the user. Information architecture is essential to creating a great user experience.

A well-organized site makes it easy for visitors to find the information they’re looking for quickly. No one wants to waste their time fumbling through a site searching for information. Users are more likely to stay on a site where they can easily find the answers to their questions, making information architecture a valuable tool for increasing user engagement and conversions.

The benefits of technical SEO services

The BBC approach to information architecture

At Brain Bytes Creative, we start optimizing information architecture with a discovery process to gain critical insight into your business.

We use this opportunity to get to know you and your website, your offerings, and your industry. We perform in-depth keyword research to build a foundation and make sure the most valuable topics in your field are being covered on the site.

During our site evaluation, we investigate how the site is currently set up starting with navigation and existing content. We’ll crawl your site and make sure all pages are linked properly to ensure they’re able to be found by your visitors.

Once we’ve evaluated your site and understand the current set up, we use this model to ensure the page hierarchy is logical and functional.

  • Are all of your sub-category pages easily accessible from your category pages?
  • Do you have internal links in place for accessibility?
  • Are you using keywords in your URL structure?

Our team of experts will cover all the bases, making sure your site architecture is fully optimized for SEO and for an excellent user experience.

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